Wendy Terwelp is CEO of Opportunity Knocks of Wisconsin, LLC, the author of the “Rock Your Network” series and our 2020 Sacagawea Awards Chair. Dubbed a “LinkedIn Guru” by the Washington Post, Wendy is an award-winning executive career coach and personal branding strategist who works with high-performing leaders and organizations to advance careers, rock networks and up-level brands. Her consulting services, speaking engagements, and programs serve audiences worldwide through conferences, associations and corporate engagements.
As Chair of the 2020 Sacagawea Awards, Wendy designed a reimagined virtual Sacagawea Awards experience, which included a live awards ceremony, professionally produced videos, interactive networking, surprise guests, and a special gift for sponsors and guests to celebrate with the honorees safely at home. Wendy and her committee members worked tirelessly to successfully sell out the event and achieve record-breaking results with the help of all Professional Dimensions members, friends, partners and sponsors. Wendy’s favorite Professional Dimensions activities are the progressive dinners, where she can meet many different members and learn something new or gain a new perspective.
Something about Wendy that you can’t find on her resume is that she loves live music concerts. While this year many traditional summer events in Wisconsin were cancelled, she is still enjoying the many live-streamed “concerts from home” musicians have been providing on Facebook and other streaming websites.
Be sure to say hi to Wendy at an upcoming Professional Dimensions event and congratulate her on a successful Sacagawea Awards!